10+ Delicious Struggle Meals Recipes in 15 Minutes

Listen up, family. I got some Struggle Meals that will have you feelin' like a gourmet chef, even if you're on a budget. So put on your apron and let's get cookin'.

Cheetos Ramen

Cheetos Ramen

Gather your ingredients:

  • 1 pack of ramen noodles
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1/2 cup of Cheetos
  • 1/4 cup of canned corn
  • 1/4 cup of green onions, chopped


  1. Boil the ramen noodles in a pot with the included seasoning packet for 2-3 minutes. Drain the water.
  2. Add the hot water and Cheetos to the noodles and stir until the Cheetos are melted.
  3. Add the corn and green onions and stir.
  4. Serve and enjoy.
Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving
Calories 420
Total Fat 21g
Sodium 1190mg
Total Carbohydrate 51g
Protein 6g


Can I use a different type of noodle?

Sure can! Feel free to use any type of noodle you have on hand.

What if I don't have canned corn?

No problem. You can use any type of vegetable you like or omit it altogether.

Can I add more Cheetos?

Go for it! Add as much or as little Cheetos as you like.

Can I double the recipe?

Absolutely. Just double all of the ingredients and adjust the cooking time as needed.


  • Make this dish even more flavorful by adding your favorite hot sauce or spicy seasoning.
  • Add a protein like chicken or shrimp to make it a more filling meal.
  • Don't have green onions? Use regular onions or scallions instead.

Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes

Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes

Gather your ingredients:

  • 1 pound of pasta
  • 2 pints of cherry tomatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F.
  2. Spread the cherry tomatoes on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Add the minced garlic, salt, and pepper and toss to coat.
  3. Bake the tomatoes for 20-25 minutes, or until they are soft and roasted.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain the pasta and reserve 1/2 cup of the pasta water.
  5. Add the cooked pasta to the tomato mixture and toss to combine, adding some of the reserved pasta water if needed to loosen the sauce.
  6. Serve and enjoy.
Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving
Calories 420
Total Fat 21g
Sodium 320mg
Total Carbohydrate 56g
Protein 10g


Can I use a different type of pasta?

Absolutely. Any type of pasta will work well in this dish.

What if I don't have cherry tomatoes?

You can use any type of tomato you have on hand, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Can I add meat to the dish?

Yes, you can add any type of cooked meat like chicken or sausage to make it a heartier meal.

What if I don't have olive oil?

You can use any type of oil you have on hand, like canola or vegetable oil.


  • Top the pasta with grated Parmesan cheese for added flavor.
  • Add some chopped herbs like basil or parsley to add freshness to the dish.
  • Roast some extra tomatoes to use as a snack or to top salads throughout the week.

Fam, I hope these Struggle Meals help you save some coins while still enjoying delicious food. Don't be afraid to get creative and add your own twist to these recipes. Now, who's ready for seconds?

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